Top 10 Disney Moms for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is around the corner, and we’ve rounded up our Top 10 Disney Moms to celebrate!
These Disney moms are loving, strong, selfless, and fiercely protective of their families. Do they measure up to the mom you are celebrating this Mother’s Day?
10. Franny Robinson (Meet the Robinsons)

“Mister, you’re grounded ‘til you die.”
Franny Robinson is one of our favorite Disney moms because of her quirky, intelligent, and encouraging nature. The Robinsons enjoy many wild and fun antics under her care, including epic food fights and jazz performing frogs. Franny is also incredibly compassionate toward the orphaned Lewis and instantly accepts him as part of her family.
9. Sina (Moana)

“And you’ll do wonderous things, my little minnow.”
Sina is incredibly supportive of her daughter, Moana. As Moana is mentored to be the next island chief, Sina encourages her to find contentment and purpose. But danger befalls the island, and Moana must embark on a perilous journey to save her people. Despite knowing the challenges her daughter faces, Sina trusts in Moana’s strength and abilities. Her understanding and supportive nature makes Sina an incredible Disney mom.
Check out our Moana Themed Dinner HERE!
8. Mrs. Jumbo (Dumbo)

“You’re so precious to me, cute as can be, baby of mine.”
Mrs. Jumbo’s strong desire to be a mother is clear as she anxiously awaits the stork’s delivery of her baby. Once united, the two of them are inseparable. Mrs. Jumbo is tender and loving toward Dumbo, but also fiercely protective when he is teased for his large ears. Whether at work or at play, Mrs. Jumbo constantly showers Dumbo with affection and always looks out for him.
Check out our Dumbo Themed Dinner HERE!
7. Eudora (Princess and the Frog)

“Love – that’s all I want for you, sweetheart.”
Eudora worked hard as a seamstress to support her young daughter, Tiana, especially after the untimely loss of her husband. We see that same drive and determination in Tiana, who dreams of one day opening her own restaurant. Eudora is incredibly supportive of her daughter’s goal but also reminds Tiana not to overwork herself. She teaches Tiana the importance of finding balance, so she can also have fun, find love, and live life fully.
Check out our Princess and the Frog Themed Dinner HERE!
6. Perdita (101 Dalmatians)

“Why, Patch, where did you ever hear such talk? Certainly not from your mother!”
Perdita is a patient and doting mother to her 15 puppies. When the puppies are kidnapped by the evil Cruella DeVil, she embarks on a dangerous journey to rescue them and bring them home safely. Not only does she care for her own puppies, but she also takes in an additional 84 puppies! Her dedication and determination show no bounds, nor does the love she shares with those who need her.
Check out our 101 Dalmatians Themed Dinner HERE!
5. Mrs. Potts (Beauty and the Beast)

“Cheer up, child. It’ll turn out alright in the end.”
Mrs. Potts is a warm, kind-hearted, and loving Disney mom. Not only does she care for her son, Chip, but she also looks after everyone in the castle. Even the temperamental Beast heeds her when she gives him a stern talking to. Her encouraging and patient nature keeps the hope alive that someday their curse will be broken.
4. Queen Elinor (Brave)

“I’m here. I’ll always be right here.”
Queen Elinor is wise, strong, and resolute. Her primary focus is grooming her daughter to be a great queen for the well-being of the kingdom. However, her high expectation of Merida causes her daughter to feel stifled and unable to follow her own passions. Queen Elinor is a relatable Disney mom because she isn’t perfect. Nevertheless, she shows amazing growth by listening and cooperating with Merida to develop a better understanding of each other.
Check out our Brave Themed Dinner HERE!
3. Nani (Lilo and Stitch)

“Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”
While not technically Lilo’s mother, Nani is a great Disney mom on our Top 10 list. She is still a young girl herself when she takes over guardianship of her sister after the tragic loss of their parents. While many would balk at the weight of this newfound responsibility, Nani meets it head-on. She works hard to earn a living, runs the household, and supports her sister’s eccentricities while putting her own wants and desires on hold.
Check out our Lilo and Stitch Themed Dinner HERE!
2. Kala (Tarzan)

“You will always be in my heart.”
Kala and Tarzan are an outstanding example of chosen family. Both suffered great familial losses, but out of the tragedy they found each other. Kala adopts Tarzan as her own child and is a nurturing and reassuring mother to him. Despite Tarzan being different than the other gorillas, Kala embraces his uniqueness and defends him against those who discriminate. Kala teaches Tarzan what is most important is not your outward appearance, but what is in your heart.
1. Helen Parr (The Incredibles)

“You have more power than you realize.”
And now we’ve come to our top Disney mom – Helen Parr! Helen is a strong, smart, and loving mother to her three children. She tackles issues ranging from infancy to adolescence and adapts to whatever life throws at her. Oh…and did I mention she has SUPERPOWERS?! Not only does this Disney mom do a fantastic job taking care of her family, but she is also out there kicking butt and saving the world!
Get to know these Disney moms by checking out the films on Disney+!
Is your favorite Disney mom on our Top 10 list? Let us know in the comments!
Wondering how our favorite Disney dads stack up? Check out our Top 10 list HERE!

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