101 Dalmatians Themed Dinner
Disney Themed Dinners

101 Dalmatians Themed Dinner

This week, we had a barking good time enjoying a special themed dinner to 101 Dalmatians!

Rolly and "I'm hungry, Mother.  I'm hungry." quote

101 Dalmatians is one of my kids’ favorite Disney movies – you really can’t go wrong with 101 adorable puppies. And I personally enjoy Cruella de Vil. Her iconic fashion, high society charm, and reprehensible obsession with fur make her a villain we love to hate.

With our busy schedules, I realized it’s been a while since our last themed dinner – my son’s Lion Guard birthday party, to be exact! Since my kids are so fond of 101 Dalmatians, I decided it was the perfect movie to get us back into our themed dinner tradition.

There aren’t a lot of food references in 101 Dalmatians, so our themed dinner was inspired by the puppies and their characteristic spots.

101 Dalmatians Themed Dinner Menu featuring Dalmatian "Bark," Curella's deVil-ed Eggss, Pup-peroni Pizzas, Kaanine Krunchies, Paw Print Cookies, and Spotted Dalmatian Milkshakes

I also created printable food labels for our 101 Dalmatians themed dinner. You can download and print these labels by clicking the link below!

printable 101 Dalmatians themed dinner food labels

Warning: Several groanworthy dog puns lie ahead.

Dalmatian “Bark”

To kickstart our 101 Dalmatians themed dinner, I wanted to make a healthy snack for the kids. This was mostly intended to justify all the other unhealthy items on our menu. But like I said, we were long overdue for this treat!

Taking inspiration from the “Twilight Bark” (the canine communication channel of London) I searched for a healthy yogurt bark recipe to fit the bill. I specifically wanted to find a recipe that included blueberries, so the bark resembled Dalmatian spots. When I stumbled upon a recipe for Blueberry Frozen Yogurt Bark, I knew we were in business!

Dalmatian "Bark" for 101 themed dinner

Full disclosure: these got messy as they melted while the kids ate them. There were also complaints that the bark was too cold to eat with their hands, and their fingers were froze.

Lucky and "My tail's froze.  And my nose is froze.  And my ears are froze.  And my toes are froze."

So, I ended up blending the leftovers into smoothies the next morning (which the kids loved).

Now that the healthy snack was out of the way – bring on the indulgences!

Cruella’s de Vil-ed Eggs

When considering the character of Cruella, deviled eggs immediately came to mind. They both have “devil” in the name! My family goes nuts over deviled eggs, so they had to go on the menu.

Cruella's de Vil-ed Eggs for 101 Dalmatians themed dinner

I whipped up a batch of traditional deviled eggs, but to fit our theme I decided they needed spots! So, I grabbed some black olives and cut out spots using two different sized piping tips. This was a painstaking process, but I loved the end result!

Pup-peroni Pizzas

The main entrée for our 101 Dalmatians themed dinner was Pup-peroni Pizzas. Back-to-back play on word menu items – yep, we went there! But I just love “pizza art,” and I know it’s something my kids enjoy eating.

I used English muffins for the base of our pizzas. Then, I topped them with pizza sauce, a thin slice of mozzarella cheese, sliced pepperonis for the face and ears, and black olives for the eyes and nose.

Pup-peroni Pizzas for 101 Dalmatians themed dinner

I worried some of the elements would slide off the pizzas as they baked, but besides some cheese bubbles, they came out great!

Pup-peroni Pizzas for 101 Dalmatians themed dinner

The kids thought they were paws-itively adorable! 😉

Kanine Krunchies

Kanine Krunchies are introduced in the film while the puppies watch their favorite television program. The dog food commercial features adorable pups and a catchy theme song my kids go nuts over. So, just for them, I created our own Kanine Krunchies mix to enjoy during the movie.

Kanine Krunchies commercial in 101 Dalmatians

Our Kanine Krunchies were made with puppy chow, Reese’s Puffs cereal, marshmallows, and Scooby Snacks. I served the mix in individual baggies with the Kanine Krunchies logo pasted to the front.

Kanine Krunchies for 101 Dalmatians themed dinner

The little baggies really sold it, and the kids thought they were the ulti-mutt movie snack!

Paw Print Cookies

For dessert, I whipped up a batch of paw print cookies. I got the idea and recipe from Cooking with Carlee.

These were super easy to make! All you need to do is bake a batch of peanut butter cookies. Then, once the cookies are out of the oven, top them with a chocolate disk and four chocolate chips to create a paw shape.

Paw Print cookies

As much as I love cookies and peanut butter, I really dislike peanut butter cookies. I have no explanation for it. But this peanut butter cookie recipe was really good!

Paw Print Cookies for 101 Dalmatians themed dinner

They came out soft and chewy, and the kids loved the little paw print shapes. Highly recommend!

Spotted Dalmatian Milkshakes

Now, we’ve clearly already crossed the sugar threshold, but I had one more treat for our 101 Dalmatians themed dinner. In my past bartending days, I loved creating fun chocolate syrup designs on the glassware when preparing dessert cocktails. So, I wanted to give my kids that same treatment – with spotted milkshakes!

I got our vanilla milkshake recipe from Unicorns in the Kitchen. To prepare our glassware, I used chocolate syrup to create Dalmatian spots inside the glass. After a few minutes in the freezer to set up, I rimmed the glasses with red sanding sugar. I used maple syrup to adhere the sugar, but you could also use honey, agave, or simple syrup.

Spotted Dalmatian Milkshakes for 101 Dalmatians themed dinner

Their little minds were blown by the fact that there were sprinkles on the rim, and the milkshakes really hit the spot. I’d say it was a good dog-gone way to end the meal!

Bone Appétit!

I hope you enjoyed our 101 Dalmatian themed dinner! Do you have a suggestion for our next themed dinner? Let us know in the comments!

Looking for other Disney Themed Dinners? Check out our Raya and the Last Dragon Themed Dinner and our Aladdin Themed Dinner!

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