Nightmare Before Christmas Dessert Board
This week, we created a dessert board with delicious treats inspired by Disney’s The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Growing up, I absolutely loved The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I’m happy to say my kids have followed in my footsteps! It’s our tradition to watch the film every Halloween night after an evening of trick-or-treating.
But no one in the family loves Jack Skellington more than my three-year-old. Spooky season or not, he loves dancing around the house to the soundtrack while pretending to be Jack.

We’ve already done a Nightmare Before Christmas Themed Dinner, but my son was still a baby and missed out on the fun. So, this year I decided to try something different. Enter – The Nightmare Before Christmas dessert board!
To make our dessert board, I baked treats inspired by the main characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas!
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Stitched Up Sally Cookies

To represent Sally on our Nightmare Before Christmas dessert board, I used a recipe from JaMonkey. These cookies are meant to resemble Sally’s patchwork dress and stitches. The effect is achieved by using sugar cookie dough dyed in teal, orange, pink, and purple.
The trick to success is using a good quality food dye! I purchased a set of 10 gel dyes from Amazon, and they worked out great. Plus, they were very inexpensive!
After the dough is colored and chilled, the cookies are formed by rolling various colors together. Then, they’re ready for the oven!
Once the cookies are cooled, it’s time to pipe the stitches. The recipe calls for melted chocolate, but I used black royal icing because I had extra on hand.

This recipe was easy to follow, and the results were great! My eight-year-old said they were her favorite of all the treats.
Skeleton Reindeer Gingerbread Cookies

Our skeleton reindeer cookies were inspired by Jack’s team of reindeer. If they look familiar, that’s because I also made them for our original Nightmare Before Christmas dinner!
To make the reindeer, I used my go-to gingerbread recipe from Dish ‘n’ the Kitchen. Then, I used white royal icing to pipe the bones.

Surprisingly, they were my three-year-old’s favorite treat on our Nightmare Before Christmas dessert board! The fact they were also the largest cookies might have had something to do with it.
Oogie Boogie Cookies

I used an old family sugar cookie recipe to make our Oogie Boogie cookies. I wish I had a link to share, but the recipe came from an even older Betty Crocker cookbook. But any cut-out sugar cookie recipe will work!
Oogie Boogie is somewhat star-shaped, so I used a star cookie cutter and messed up the edges a bit before baking.
When my Oogie Boogies were out of the oven, I iced them with bright green frosting. Once the icing hardened, I went in with my black royal icing to give him eyes and a mouth. Then, I added details with a black food marker I purchased from Amazon.

Since Oogie Boogie is made of bugs, I served him on our Nightmare Before Christmas dessert board with gummy worms and his signature dice.
Jack Skellington Sandwich Cookies

I got extra creative with our Jack Skellington cookies – he’s the star of the show, after all! I came up with a recipe inspired by the Empire Biscuits I made for our Brave Themed Dinner. So essentially – two cookies sandwiched with jam!
Our Jack cookies were made with the same sugar cookie dough as our Oogie Boogies. I used a large circle cookie cutter to make the top and bottom of our sandwich cookies. For the top (the face) I also used a piping tip to cut out Jack’s eyes and nostrils.
When the cookies were done baking and cooled, I iced the top cookie with white icing. After the icing was dried, I used black royal icing to pipe Jack’s mouth. Then, I sandwiched the top and bottom cookies together with blackberry jam.

Since Jack is the Pumpkin King, I served my Jack cookies surrounded by pumpkin candies.

I am in no way a professional (or even amateur) baker, but I was really happy with how our Nightmare Before Christmas dessert board turned out! And seeing the kids’ excited reactions made that time spent in the kitchen absolutely worth it.
I hope you liked our Nightmare Before Christmas dessert board! What other treats should we make this Halloween season? Let us know in the comments!
Looking for other spooky themed dinners? Check out our Under Wraps Themed Dinner and our Coraline Themed Dinner!

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